I have to admit I have a problem with holding on or "song stashing" my material. I used to worry that if I saved it too long that it may become irrelevant, at the same time nobody wants to release something to the masses before it has been given a chance to reach its full potential. This was all before I discovered a philosophy that stated, “No artist ever finishes their work, it is merely abandoned”. I’m not sure if that’s the exact quote I heard or who actually said it, but the theory has always stuck with me.
Abandon. The term is attached to a negativity that not even the most seemingly dismal artist would want to have associated with anything they wished to call (and have others call) their masterpiece. How can you know when its time, that it will be okay, to abandon something you’ve been molding? Is it when you show it to another person and they approve? Is it when that last addition seemed to take away from the overall feel or original goal? Is it when someone cuts you a check? Many of us, for better or worse, call it a day when the ladder situation occurs.