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Education Nation

“The current state of aboriginal people in Canada is a forced and created state, created by the government.”
-Justice Murray Sinclair, Head Chair, Truth and Reconciliation Commission

One of many reasons the Internet has become my favorite place to go read news is because of the comments. Yes, there are many comments that are an absolute waste of time, and I swear there are even harmful ones that will make you less smart just by giving them a few seconds of conscience thought. Like some kind of drug, wether it keeps you alive or kills you, I am admittedly addicted to gaining the perspective of others. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I only read the first few lines of a story and instantly scroll down to the bottom to read the comments.

When issues of Native rights, Native compensation or Native benefits emerge in the headlines, I always hear and read comments that continually carry the same closed mind message. The sentiments of these comments are, “Let the past be the past”; “Let bygones be bygones”; “Why should we pay for something we didn’t do?” The consensus of these comments is that we shouldn’t be giving our country’s aboriginal people any more benefits or support to improve their standard of living. Some of these comments carry the opinion that all deals should be off. You can assume that the folks who write these comments feel that the situation is unfair...

How I Fell in Love With Helena

I’ve fallen head over heals for Helena Guergis! Though when I first read the “Jaffer-Guergis” scandal stories I instantly wrote her off. Just another scum bag MP, I said, who abused her privileges, though an unusually beautiful MP. I read the allegations made in the media, which are often enough to be the judge, jury and executioner (more so if your in the Conservative caucus apparently) and took them for way more than they’re worth. No charges were laid, but the allegations were pouring in, overloading my brain and allowing me to get caught up in the hype. Not to mention the build up before this really blew up! You really can’t write this stuff!
For such a beautiful cabinet minister, Miss or Mrs. (this confuses me with her) Guergis was rather low profile. It wasn’t until her husband “R.J.” got busted for going a little too fast, while on a D&D tour with a little bit of “fluff” (Cocaine Slang Dictionary) in his pocket, that her new, yet unwanted fame became the talk of a town that talks a lot. So when she freaked out a few weeks later at a Charlottetown Airport I gave her a pass, it was probably a stress thing. Though when “R.J” got off with only a $500.00 fine, I happily jumped back into the oily seas of public outrage. Just remember to scream the name Rahiem the next time you find yourself before a judge because you were driving too fast, while drinking and driving with a baggy of cocaine in your pocket.

Time to grab the shovel and dig for some dirt! Its still unknown who hired the shady P.I. that showed up on the Prime Minister’s door with enough goods to get Helena (I hope she doesn't mind) kicked out of cabinet, booted out of caucus and tasered...I mean investigated by the RCMP. No charges laid, but who needs them after all that! When you’ve lost an election and go into business in the private sector and your MP wife is putting bread on the table there is going to be strange ethical issues occurring. Hitting your uncle, cousin, father, sister or brother up with a contact or grant here and there seems to be the normal practice, but a spouse? Especially the failed M.P. who just got off with a $500.00 fine spouse? Nope there just has to be a show for this one. I think when the dust settles and clears we will be writing some new rules (and of course loopholes) for this sort of arrangement or relationship, whatever you want to call it.
So Helena, who is in way over her head and keeping quite, appears on the CBC for an exclusive interview with Peter Mansbridge. This is where I fall in love. No, it wasn’t because she still looks good when she cries or because you could tell by her body language that she was hiding something when asked about being present at a party with cocaine, prostitutes and worst of all Jaffer. No, what impresses me is that she is determined to stand with R.J. in very tuff times. I’m sure its been “over suggested” to her that she could save face by dumping him. Instead she says she wants to help him and stand with him. Having someone's back, when all hell breaks loose, is a rare deed these days, especially among Politicians. She could easily say it was his fault, she was manipulated.  Who votes for a M.P. who is easy to manipulate though? A breakup wouldn’t save her career but if she does do away with R.J., after she losses the next election and she is still gorgeous, I’d let Helena have my back. (Cue music “Just the two of us” )

Thank You GURU!

Originally Posted here!

Yesterdays sad new wasn’t a complete shock as it was well reported a few weeks ago that Keith, better known as Guru, who first rumored dead and then confirmed he was in a coma was suffering from serious health complications. That news back then spurred me to load my favorite Gangstarr songs onto my Blackberry and I’ve had been reciting Guru’s monotone flow everywhere I’ve walked since. When I heard the sad news ( via a twitter post with the only text being #RIPGURU ) of his passing today, I felt the same way as I felt when James Brown had passed away, I felt that an important chapter of hip - hop story was written and closed today.

The “classic” sound of sample based production and vicious rhyming was mastered by Premo and Guru. I’m sure many of your favorite artist still make music that sounds very similar and is highly influenced by there sound. Maybe I’m one of them. Guru you are a legend forever. Thank you for your time. Thank you for the influence.

Required Listening - 3 of my favorite Gangstarr tracks

Thank You GURU,


Which Pro Organization has the worst Hooligans? NFL? MLB?

Even if you aren't a sports fan this is very interesting!

36 have been accused of spousal abuse
7 have been arrested for fraud
19 have been accused of writing bad checks
117 have directly or indirectly bankrupted at least 2 businesses
3 have done time for assault 
71 repeat 71 cannot get a credit card due to bad credit
14 have been arrested on drug-related charges
8 have been arrested for shoplifting
21 currently are defendants in lawsuits,
84 have been arrested for drunk driving in the last year.

Gear List - Part 1: The Hard Stuff

What do you use to make beats?

People who are already making beats ask me this a lot. The number one thing I tell them is that it really doesn’t matter what you use as long as you can use it. Macs don’t sound better then PCs. I’ve worked in million dollar studios but can still say that most of the time, especially when it comes to song writing and making simple beats, I prefer my home studio. It doesn’t matter if you have a million dollar studio or a $500.00 laptop that can barley run 5 tracks in fruity loops. It dose not matter if you have rooms full of gear. Its best to have only what you need.

For me it makes sense to have it all in one and have the ability to quickly record multiple live sources when necessary. This may or may not work for you. You'll have to figure out what works for you with lots of trial and error, while continually expanding what your capable of. At the end of the session it will be your knowledge, both musically and technically, that you put into your equipment that will fuel your creativity and shape sounds. I've written a little bit about the gear in my current home studio setup and have tried to provide links so you can learn more. I didn't want to get too technical myself and reveal how much of an audio nerd I can be :D

A Sad Truth About Lying to Ourselves.

I thought this idea was funny, but more importantly true!

"We have to lie to our self. Your going to die, everyone you know is going to die and most of the people in this world endure relentless suffering. We're still cheerful"

Bet you he lost.

 I wonder if this guy can get down on the mic. Rap, sing, speak, whatever. I'd give him a few tracks for free...what an album cover.
A protester kicks at police as they arrest one of the protesters Saturday morning in Vancouver.
A protester kicks at police as they arrest one of the protesters Saturday morning in Vancouver. (CBC)

The Koala, Lizard and Crocidile.

My aunt emailed me this...

A koala was sitting in a gum tree smoking a

when a little lizard walked past, looked up and said, "Hey Koala! What are you doing?"

A Song Stash (Can you abandon?)

I have to admit I have a problem with holding on or "song stashing" my material. I used to worry that if I saved it too long that it may become irrelevant, at the same time nobody wants to release something to the masses before it has been given a chance to reach its full potential. This was all before I discovered a philosophy that stated, “No artist ever finishes their work, it is merely abandoned”. I’m not sure if that’s the exact quote I heard or who actually said it, but the theory has always stuck with me.

Abandon. The term is attached to a negativity that not even the most seemingly dismal artist would want to have associated with anything they wished to call (and have others call) their masterpiece. How can you know when its time, that it will be okay, to abandon something you’ve been molding? Is it when you show it to another person and they approve? Is it when that last addition seemed to take away from the overall feel or original goal? Is it when someone cuts you a check? Many of us, for better or worse, call it a day when the ladder situation occurs.

Early Daze

I was always into music as early as I can remember. I always loved to sing when I was a child and I remember wanting to be a DJ at a very young age. I hooked up my first Discman to a very old record and 8-track stereo system that would have been big enough and designed in a way it could have been my casket. Instead it breathed life into the concept of music performance to a young boy. I liked all sorts of music by the time I was barely 9 when I signed up for the old Columbia House deal when I was well under the age and completely getting all the CD’s for one penny that I could handle. I remember when they called me too J My first order was a bunch of music that I had never even heard. A wide range to start off my collection featuring titles such as the Boyz n’ the Hood soundtrack to Pearl Jam’s Ten. Not to mention they sent me other CD’s to make up for the ones I requested that they didn’t have. It would soon form the listening habits of my life.