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Education Nation

“The current state of aboriginal people in Canada is a forced and created state, created by the government.”
-Justice Murray Sinclair, Head Chair, Truth and Reconciliation Commission

One of many reasons the Internet has become my favorite place to go read news is because of the comments. Yes, there are many comments that are an absolute waste of time, and I swear there are even harmful ones that will make you less smart just by giving them a few seconds of conscience thought. Like some kind of drug, wether it keeps you alive or kills you, I am admittedly addicted to gaining the perspective of others. I’m not going to lie, sometimes I only read the first few lines of a story and instantly scroll down to the bottom to read the comments.

When issues of Native rights, Native compensation or Native benefits emerge in the headlines, I always hear and read comments that continually carry the same closed mind message. The sentiments of these comments are, “Let the past be the past”; “Let bygones be bygones”; “Why should we pay for something we didn’t do?” The consensus of these comments is that we shouldn’t be giving our country’s aboriginal people any more benefits or support to improve their standard of living. Some of these comments carry the opinion that all deals should be off. You can assume that the folks who write these comments feel that the situation is unfair...